Our Media Center

Welcome to the Edgewood library media center website. Our goal is to provide resources for student research projects and to promote enthusiasm and a desire for life-long reading. If you have any questions, please feel free to e-mail Mrs. Warner, library media specialist, at samantha.warner@ftcsc.org

Destiny Catalogue

This is our scohol’s library catlogue, where students can find, reserve, and review materials from the media center. Access it here.

PRIDE Booktalk Club

PRIDE Booktalk Club was formed to create a culture of reading at Edgewood which promotes enthusiasm for reading and a desire for life-long reading and to provide enrichment in the form of Book Club Discussion Groups in Grades 6, 7, & 8. Meetings are WHITE Mondays and WHITE Tuesdays.

Program Goals:

  1. Create a culture of reading at Edgewood which promotes enthusiasm for reading and a desire for life-long reading.
  2. Provide enrichment in the form of Book Club Discussion Groups in Grades 6, 7, & 8.
  3. Create external book clubs for students to earn Academic Letters in Reading.
  4. Create PRIDE Book Clubs on a rotating basis for each nine weeks.
  5. Establish funding for more book sets to be purchased.

​Visit the Livebinder for more information http://www.livebinders.com/play/play?id=1199809